On my way to work this morning, I saw a stray cat drinking a
nearly dry puddle on the side of the curb.
The water was muddy and practically nonexistent. And my heart hurt for this cat, who was
clearly thirsty and not really solving that problem. And then it brought to mind all the People, souls in remote places of the
world, walking miles and miles to their only clean water source, with their children
in tow. And how thirsty they must be as
they walk those dusty, dry roads...watching
their children die of thirst before even making it to the well.
I stopped at a red light and glanced over at the driver in
the car next to me. The guy was mundanely
rubbing his eyes in the car. And it
occurred to me that in this post Christian society, the probability is that he
does not have faith in Christ. Maybe he
claims to be a Christian or identifies as a Christian because of some
institution of his childhood, but does he really believe? Does he live his life accordingly? And like many, many people in this area, his
soul is probably destined for hell. Where people would give anything for water as
they gnash their teeth and suffer, Eternally thirsty.
And as I continue driving I am praying….Oh, the horrors that
are happening on my street right now. People
committing atrocities towards one another, and the wronged are suffering and
striving and scrapping to emotionally survive.
Carelessness, wickedness, Godlessness lead to deep wounds of the heart. We live in a dark, horrible world marred by
sin. We thirst for redemption and
cleansing and justice.
I consider all the sickness that has overwhelmed everyone I
know this season. It seems no one on my
block can get well or stay well, and none of my family can, either. I have a friend who has two little boys, and she
just saw the stomach flu for two days move throughout her whole household. My neighbor has a stupid high fever; my other
neighbor is working despite a cold. And I consider….all this temporary sickness
is brutal….but some other friends I know are dying inside over the loss of
their 2 year old baby boy to cancer. I
went to the hospital to visit as this baby was getting treatment after painful
treatment and test. When he saw me enter
the room, he cringed and curled and buried himself in his mother’s breast
because he thought I was a nurse there to terrorize him. That baby suffered for a year and died, and
now his parents are grieving so hard they thirst for Jesus and the end of this
Almost to work now, I am blasting a song on repeat. A song about hope.
I won't turn to
dust now
Let these tears
rust now….on my face
Give me the spark
To believe
To see
Hope is what we crave,
and that will never change
So I stand and wait
I need a drop of grace to carry me today,
A simple song to say
It's written on my soul:
Hope's what we crave
So I stand and wait
I need a drop of grace to carry me today,
A simple song to say
It's written on my soul:
Hope's what we crave
For King and Country, “Crave”
Jesus MUST be our only hope, because hope isn’t often to be found
in this life. He must be our salve to
the suffering; He must be our light in the darkness. And He IS the living water that quenches our
“But whoever drinks
the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will
become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14
He is the source from which we can drink and be satisfied. Our thirsts quenched, no matter the state of
our thirsty lives. For we know that the
living water He provides wells up in us until the day we die, the day our decaying
bodies meet the earth from whence we came. And then, Eternity with Him. He made
us with eternity in our hearts, a longing for something more than the mess we
meet on earth. Not only is He the reason
for our longing, but He is the answer to it. The reason
To live, to die,
To lose, to get,
To rise above
To love again
To lose, to get,
To rise above
To love again
We thirst after
something we will not find on this temporal earth, this broken world, and that
is Him. As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee...
The well awaits our drawing of water. Water bringing life to heal our thirst.
The well awaits our drawing of water. Water bringing life to heal our thirst.